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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where it went wrong

Anna got on with right point 4months back to bring bout the corruption that has engulfed our system. He made a point which every one seem to listen and made government to listen. What followed was looks an classic example of following the heard. Bhushan of the world who are commercial lawyer, Kiran bed who I believe government takes government pension and kejriwal who is a intelligent guy becoming the face. Too many things too soon spoil the party baba rammed who also became too big for his shoes paid the price. It shows a very good example of how technology made Anna and camp powerful and how behavior is making them do silly mistake. Let's not go into numbers as people follow herds first ask how many of us had read both versions of the bill? Anna had a point and government was listening. It was a question of keeping the pre sure with technology on his side I.e the media they could have eventually made government listen. Gandhi philoshly is patience. Indian did not achieve independence in one day. It was Gandhi patience and his non violence movement which took us to a sustainable independence. So what is the hurry of putting the deadlines of lokpal bill? Few thousand does not make large crowds" let's not get fooled by media who need news and hence eye balls. A simple step is to ask your self, if you are not happy with the lokpal bill have you met the elective representative whom you voted to parliament . Did you told your reservations? If not them what we are complaining about. Technology or behavior?

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