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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve, Bill and We

Recently while taking the tour of Harvard Business School, the guide showed where Bill Gates room was in the dorm. He left Harvard as we all know and went on to establish one of the most successful companies, Microsoft formed till date. He has left that too also now and focus on healthcare. On the other hand Steve never went to Harvard, so to Him did not matter- WHAT THEY TEACH OR NOT TEACH AT HARVARD. He went on to form another game changer company in world called Apple which redefined that way product and services integrate. Steve left the world last week as we all know.
There has been debates on how Microsoft left Apple stranded in 80'S and what will happen to Apple now? World will keep moving. Apple will do fine so will Microsoft and there will be new Bill and Steve as we move along . Already there is Facebook and Mark. Lets recognize all these individuals got the world to change from the product and services they came up with. It shows the power what an individual has and what a person can do in one own life. Back home Dhrirubhai Ambani is an example. What ever any one might say how He did it, He did it. Every one want to so some thing , but only few can do some things, and more so which change the world.

So to Steve, Bill, Mark, Dhirubhai words own a great deal in what we are and what we can be in near future and to so many others who do not get the media attention they deserve. So lets THINK BIG-SOMETHING SMALL WILL HAPPEN.

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