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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Whose companies are these

The bigger the company becomes, the further it goes from the customer. Walk into a store or customer services of a company and you can see or experience the truth. Their leaders who once created these companies gets involved into bigger picture of nation building or participating in economic forums or becoming global companies. This bring in the question, how big the company can be and who owns the company and who owns the accountability.

Public companies have board? but can a customer call a board? companies have employees, who call WE, as they move from one company to another. Technology has given the scale but in the process killed the human interface. Call any back office of a bank and be ready to face the music.

So how do you make the companies more human? It is a challenge. As we get engaged in wiring the world, creating virtual networks, social networks the touch and feel of the real world will start moving to the background. So while we need to keep working on the technology , it is the HUMAN BEHAVIOR which need to be tuned to current times

Companies need to work on the training of their employees from the perspective, where they not only know how to handle the technology but also how to handle another human

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