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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

India 2010 or 1990?

India 2010 is suppose to be anchor of sinking world, considering China does not exist. So are we make to believe. USA economy is on the downhill, like what happened to the British empire a century ago. European crisis is not of banks but of countries. So on and so forth. Various TV debates, commentaries, essays and books talks of one or the other way. One economist say THIS and other say THAT. But fact of the matter is reality on ground.

India 2010 is not much difference to India 1990, except few changes on the built scape across the country, where few people have been able to take advantage of INDIA SHINING. But as a country we are still a century behind USA and Europe in terms of quality of life for common man. It will require structural shift in the behavioral of not only who govern India but also WE THE PEOPLE, who let governed.

The glaring example of India's failure is whats happening in Delhi. It is city in shame. Delhi and its glorified cousin GURGAOAN are examples of how things can go wrong. t GURGAON is nothing more than a glorified GAON. On one hand where as government has failed to deliver the infrastructure in Delhi for the common wealth gales, Gurgaon stakeholders who made all those buildings failed to create a urban community which is URBAN. It is pity that people have no option but to opt for what has been imposed on them. There are various such examples across the country.

India needs to THINK and THINK HARD , otherwise 2020 might look like 1980!!!

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