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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Exchange- Behavior for Technology

Copenhagen Climate Summit like most of the global issues, is turning out be complex. Not many are sure what the outcome will be. Kyoto Protocol- what is the status and why the objectives were not achieved, not many are talking. We have a tendency to look into the future and forget history quickly. The complexities, like in all issues, are also because of History and Future. Developing countries want history of the developed countries to be kept in mind and developed country want developing countries to take up the responsibility of the future. History vs Future. Developed vs Developing. Progress vs Climate. And the debate continues. Human nature makes the entire things complex. If things are not complex and made to be simpler –human being will loose the importance Infect, few people who will loose the importance. But then few people controls majority of the things.

But can we make climate issue Simple. How? Exchange!!

Developing courtiers need to progress and for that progress they need clean technologies, which developed countries has but do not want to pass, what come in between? IP..

Developed countries need to stop polluting more and what come in between- Behavior.
Developing countries because of scarcity of resources or means have lived all these years on natural sustainability. Recycle, Reuse, Remake are part of the mental make up

Exchange Behavior with Clean Technologies.

Exporting Behavior is a huge business opportunity for developing countries and importing clean technology and provides business opportunity to developed countries.

Who will control this? Again, very few. But who will benefit? All.

After all Gods is also one (or few) and he/she (they) controls!!!!!

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