70% of GLOBE

70% of GLOBE
Not Wired



Monday, December 14, 2009

Airplane and Mobile

India is close to 500 million mobile users. India is also flying, more and more every day. Most of us, who fly, have minimum of one mobile phone. In flights we are suppose to keep our phones switched off. It interferes with the navigation system. Most of the people do switch off. All of us fear death. Some brave ones don't, as they want to see if at 35,000 feet also they can catch the signal) Just a test!
But guess what, the moment the flight touches down, You start hearing-- ring- ring, ting tong, hello-hello-hello, " Yes it is taxiing" " We have landed". etc etc. Airhostess make the announcements, take a walk, request, order to switch it off,’ till the time the flight has come to complete stop and captain has switched off the seat belt sign”. All the educated and well to do people, try to hide their phones from the moving airhostess. She becomes like the school teacher for some time

What this tells us? Mobile technology has moved leaps and bound, at a pace which made it affordable to common men- domestic help also. Airplane technology has not kept pace as they need to find solution, where the planes navigation system can work independently of mobile technology interference.

What has not changed or should we say changed is human behavior. Who will bell the "Human" is the next big social and economic opportunity. Technology has to play a role in this for sure.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Exchange- Behavior for Technology

Copenhagen Climate Summit like most of the global issues, is turning out be complex. Not many are sure what the outcome will be. Kyoto Protocol- what is the status and why the objectives were not achieved, not many are talking. We have a tendency to look into the future and forget history quickly. The complexities, like in all issues, are also because of History and Future. Developing countries want history of the developed countries to be kept in mind and developed country want developing countries to take up the responsibility of the future. History vs Future. Developed vs Developing. Progress vs Climate. And the debate continues. Human nature makes the entire things complex. If things are not complex and made to be simpler –human being will loose the importance Infect, few people who will loose the importance. But then few people controls majority of the things.

But can we make climate issue Simple. How? Exchange!!

Developing courtiers need to progress and for that progress they need clean technologies, which developed countries has but do not want to pass, what come in between? IP..

Developed countries need to stop polluting more and what come in between- Behavior.
Developing countries because of scarcity of resources or means have lived all these years on natural sustainability. Recycle, Reuse, Remake are part of the mental make up

Exchange Behavior with Clean Technologies.

Exporting Behavior is a huge business opportunity for developing countries and importing clean technology and provides business opportunity to developed countries.

Who will control this? Again, very few. But who will benefit? All.

After all Gods is also one (or few) and he/she (they) controls!!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Family Business

An investment banker recently made a statement of SME business, which is family run. With out going into the statement and its merits or demerits one question comes to mind is'nt all businesses started by a family and in which family member still hold the executive position -a Family business?. And this is true across the world.
From Microsoft, to Oracale to Mittal Steel to Relainace to Biral to JM Financial etc etc and list can go on. No doubt there are "professional run”, but there still a big boss, who is the above the professionals. Apple?
So why single out the SME. Hasn’t few family members of the largest shareholders company in India did a family agreement? So even if businesses become big the family still remain small. That’s why Small is beautiful.
Crux- all businesses are Family businesses. So Sharma Brothers you can be next Lehman Brothers.