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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

In the time of change we the people...........

With the general elections over and  Modi led government 2 months old Indians  are  searching  for change. Before the elections the congress lead government remain engaged with corruptions scandals started perhaps with the 2010 Delhi common wealth games. In between came the Anna movement which captured the nations imagination and saw the rise of Arvind Kejriwal , who went on to become the Delhi Chief Minister. Then came  Modi wave as became evident with the election results,  which  swept everybody aside and here we stand today, looking around and asking - are things changing? or will things change?

Mahatma Gandhi had said : be the change you want to see" and we the common people perhaps does not want to be that change agent. Historically we as a nation does not react  till the system  breaks down completely or a situation takes a epidemic proportion. We have many experts who have all the opinion  and analysis once the event has happened, but does not take the accountability, when they were in the thick of things.

Change can happen-  but not from the top down approach but from the bottom up approach. It will be like micro changes which can  create macro impact. As a individual what we need to first adopt is civil order. Change our behavior towards our immediate surroundings weather natural, animals, fellow human beings  or man made  buildings, roads or civic infrastructure.

Lets start with small things- Do not cross the signal when it is red, do not park in a way which obstruct others, do not honk,  stand in a line for ones turn  in all public places,do not throw the garbage on the road or  outside house, do not break or spoil public property, speak softly, do not take bribe and do not give bribe, read the rules . Above all,  keep making your list of things you want to change and start with yourself.

We do not know what Mr Modi will do, but we surely know what we can do.