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Friday, March 16, 2012


L&T could not find a clear next leader to Mr Naik is a poor reflection where an individual is perceived to be more important than the institution. Remember when Ratan Tata stepped into the foot steps of legendary JRD, it was mainly because He had that famous surname. That was the reason that most experts at that time had to say. But look what accountability and responsibility do to a person. Ratan Tata transformed the Tata Group and left His stamp. 20 years back no one would have thought that He will succeed the way He did. Therefore to think a responsible professional can not run a company and requires hand holding is far from true. Mrs Kochar stepped into the shoes of Mr Kamath quite well And they were big, considering the pace with which He grew ICICI Bank. There were questions about Apple after Steve. But look at apple today. In the last one year it has grown in market valuation by 45% and Tim Cook will bring in his own authority over the company, which today is the most valuable company in the world.

So to say that leadership transition is a challenge for company, sound like a logic with no sound reasoning. Give a person a chance and he/she will perform. Heavy engineering is no different.